Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Shortcake Anyone?

Auntie Deb got Parker this beautiful outfit at Christmas - complete with cute hat and bloomers. The bloomers were very versatile - made her look like Strawberry Shortcake!
We really shouldn't take so much pleasure from making her look silly, but the bloomers cried out for it...this kid could make burlap look cute.

Hitting the Road

Now that the weather is so nice, Parker, along with Daddy and Bella have been cruisin' the neighborhood each night. As you can see, she has no trouble kickin' back!

Monday, March 26, 2007

New Blog...Same Cutie!

We're moving on up! Just discovered we can blog for free with Google - I'm living under a rock apparently! So here is the new home of our shared pictures! More to come...